West Point Model School

West Point Model SchoolClaimed


West Point Model School emphasizes to create the moral and physical development of the child. It believes that the main objective of the educative process should be the training of students in such a way that they may be able to realize their capability and make them self-confident and become the best citizens of the country. It is only the education which can inculcate among the children the ability or power of better judgement and build them strong characters. Students here acquire the qualities of head, heart and hand which are the qualities of system of education through various activities. They participate being led by their self-interest and with an eye to the meaning in connection with real life. Acquiring life skills is thereby a very essential and integral part of our educational process. Our main object is not only to cultivate fullness of knowledge or refinement of feelings but also strengthen and purity of character.

Today Closed UTC+5.5

02:30 AM - 06:30 AM
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    02:30 AM - 06:30 AM
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    02:30 AM - 06:30 AM
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    02:30 AM - 06:30 AM
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    02:30 AM - 06:30 AM
  • Friday
    02:30 AM - 06:30 AM


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